You want to support us?
Donations via bank transfer
Donations are received via;
Account holder: Pflaster für Tansania e.V.
IBAN: DE28 6009 0100 0896 3210 02
Bank institute; Volksbank Stuttgart
Donate via Paypal
You can donate at any time using the PayPal button. Payments via credit card and bank transfer are possible

Donations in kind
Donations in kind are only possible after detailed consultation with the team of Pflaster für Tansania e.V. Feel free to contact us at: info@pflasterfuertansania.com Medical products are especially needed.
We are a nonprofit organization authorized to issue donation receipts for donations and membership fees. You can claim these in your income tax return (§10b paragraph 1 EStG). Donations can be made both earmarked and for a specific project. The majority of donations benefit our main project, supporting the Plaster House.
Please note that we only issue donation receipts for amounts of 200 euros or more, as the tax office accepts lower donation amounts with the submission of a bank statement. Issuing a donation receipt for donations in kind requires individual review. For issuing the receipt, we need your full name and address. You can request these via the form provided below.
Kofi Annan (2018)
“Snakebite: The greatest public health crisis you have never heard of."
Sarah Rejman (2023)
"We aim to offer treatment to any child with an operable handicap in Tanzania."
WHO (2017)
"Snakebite is responsible for 81.000 to 138.000 deaths annually."
Do you need a donation receipt for your income tax return?